Friday, September 28, 2007

Before I started working in mixed media I worked almost exclusively with watercolor. As well, I enjoyed drawing faces in graphite. Sometimes I feel I should be focusing more on these mediums and less on mixed media. People really liked this work and I sold many pieces. The problem is that I LOVE doing mixed media/collage work! It is so much fun and I feel more like an artist when I am doing it. I also produce alot more of this type of work. With the exception of one friend, all my other friends think I am more suited to mixed media/collage. Anyway, here are some of my favorite watercolors that I have done:


Anonymous said...

These are magnificent!
You are extremely talented.
I wouldn't change a thing in any of them, they are all so beautiful.


your mixed media are beautiful, but i fall in love with your watercolor works...